Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Colour of the wind...

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Staring into the horizon; her eyes contemplate the view.The warm wind brushes her hair away from her face.She is smiling. She has learnt to appreciate the little things in her life. She can sense the different things around her: the tree; the grass; the flowers. She is in harmony with nature. The wind, gently caressing her body has the colors of the rainbow: colors of joy...

She starts to run; she can feel the wind showing her the way. She stops and lies in a meadow.She sees the clouds smiling at her as they pass by. She closes her eyes and hear the wind whispering in her ear: Those are the colors of the wind...

Smile smile often hear those words. Either it is when somebody is taking a picture; or because you are asked to be polite. A smile is not just a simple facial expression. It is a message of joy and  happiness that is conveyed to the receiver.Smiling does not require a huge effort; and yet it can accomplish so much.The main aim of a smile is to bring happiness in the mind and the heart of the one who receives it.

It is an universal language that is understood by people from every culture on this planet; regardless of their age.It is so precious that even cameras have a setting that want to capture them! Through a smile; somebody can comfort; reassure and console. And even when it is immortalized on a picture; a smile will always convey the same meaning that it did when the picture was taken.

Share your smile everyday; you don't know what it might do in someone's else life...

Friday, 24 February 2012

Alone time...

Leave me alone... Those three words express one of our most important needs :time with ourselves. Being alone is sometimes necessary as it permits the individual  to be in contact with his/her true feelings. When you are alone, you are able to perceive your thoughts in a clearer way without any outside "noise".

Through this "alone time" it is easier to make a decision with a calm mind. Every once in a while, it is important to be alone in order to provide to our body and mind the little rest and calm they so often need.

However, loneliness must not be a permanent state. People should never be alone all the time. Everybody  has social needs that need to be fulfilled. Therefore, "alone time" must be used as a life buoy not a sinking ship..

Picture 1:,r:6,s:0&tx=132&ty=77&biw=1280&bih=890

Picture 2:

If I were the boss?hmmmm

A boss is someone who cares. He/she is a leader who motivates his/her employees. The person must be compassionate and understanding.  If I were the boss; the fist thing I would  do is... smile. Nobody likes a grumpy leader and it will set a relaxing environment in the workplace.I would get to know all the people that work with me. This will permit to have a good working environment and create long term relationships.Knowing them will aid me in resolving  issues that may arouse.

As well, I would set clear guidelines, principles and goals to achieve. Work will be more efficient and effective through the establishment of clear instructions. Besides, I would set an open door policy as I want to be available for my employees to talk about any topic.

Being a good boss means that you understand your employees; they are your first clients; therefore they need you attention and full support.


Friday, 17 February 2012

                                                                Save the planet!

Our environment and our planet are two of the most important things that mankind will pass down to the future generation. Everyday trees are being taken down; animals died in different areas on the planet. It is so sad to see what mankind is doing to one of its most precious elements.

 If this situation carries on; the future generations will not be able to benefit from the beautiful things that the earth has to offer.  Men contribute to pollution everyday through gaz released from cars; oil being put in water and so on. 

It is important to remember that WE are earth and WE have the duty and the responsibility to protect it. Numerous can be done such as planting trees; switching lights off when leaving a room to protect energy and using bicycles instead of cars…

                                            How hard it is to follow instructions?
Instructions can be seen as guidelines that need to be followed in order to complete a certain task. From a first point of view; it is easy, right? However, most of the time; there are complications that block people from accomplishing this task. 

Either the instructions are not clear; or the person following does not have enough knowledge about the subject. So how hard it is to follow instruction? Several guidelines need to be followed. It is important to follow each step accurately; have all the material needed to complete the task; be patient and do every step with attention to detail. 

The most important thing to remember is that instructions are made to make things easier and not complicate them.

                                          Cooking is fantastic!

Cooking is one of the best thing to do on earth. There are so many ingredients; so many recipes; so many style of cooking. It is important to know how to cook. First; it will please you and provide you with a great sense of pride. As well; it will please people around you and enlighten their day. It is a vital and crucial skill in most African countries; where a woman MUST know how to cook for her family.

Cooking can be seen as a simple process; however it is sometimes difficult to cook certain recipes and/or find certain ingredients. The best thing about cooking is that you mix ingredients; see new texture; new colours that emerges from the mixing. 

Cooking is great to share; there are many television series; cookbooks; or the simplest one: mother to daughter sharing. So let's get started!!!!

                                            Two people come out of a building and into a story…

It’s a burning building. Lots of smoke; fire up in the air. Two people are trapped. Through the chairs, desks and different burnt items lying on the floor; they come out of the building. They are in pain and walk slowly. There is no one around as they edge forward.  Their steps reflect their distress.

 Suddenly; like water in the desert they see an ambulance passing by. With their last bit of strength; they try to scream and alert the ambulance driver. But it was no use; as he did not seem to hear them. They fell on the floor. Still hoping that they could help them; they tried to scream again but nothing came out of their mouths. 

They were about to pass out when suddenly a hand reached to their shoulders. They looked back and saw the ambulance man. Then; they closed their eyes as they knew that everything would be alright. Never lose hope in any situation.