http://www.abundancetapestry.com/photos/smiles/beautiful_smile.jpg |
Smile smile smile...you often hear those words. Either it is when somebody is taking a picture; or because you are asked to be polite. A smile is not just a simple facial expression. It is a message of joy and happiness that is conveyed to the receiver.Smiling does not require a huge effort; and yet it can accomplish so much.The main aim of a smile is to bring happiness in the mind and the heart of the one who receives it.
It is an universal language that is understood by people from every culture on this planet; regardless of their age.It is so precious that even cameras have a setting that want to capture them! Through a smile; somebody can comfort; reassure and console. And even when it is immortalized on a picture; a smile will always convey the same meaning that it did when the picture was taken.
Share your smile everyday; you don't know what it might do in someone's else life...