Friday, 17 February 2012

                                            Two people come out of a building and into a story…

It’s a burning building. Lots of smoke; fire up in the air. Two people are trapped. Through the chairs, desks and different burnt items lying on the floor; they come out of the building. They are in pain and walk slowly. There is no one around as they edge forward.  Their steps reflect their distress.

 Suddenly; like water in the desert they see an ambulance passing by. With their last bit of strength; they try to scream and alert the ambulance driver. But it was no use; as he did not seem to hear them. They fell on the floor. Still hoping that they could help them; they tried to scream again but nothing came out of their mouths. 

They were about to pass out when suddenly a hand reached to their shoulders. They looked back and saw the ambulance man. Then; they closed their eyes as they knew that everything would be alright. Never lose hope in any situation.


  1. I enjoyed your story because I find your writing style good. You were able to paint the story well and I could visually see what you wrote. I also like the message of the story. Even though the story is fictional, you still manage to bring a very relevant message that is non-fictional to it.

    Looking forward to seeing your next posts!

  2. Very well done! Reading this stirs up an emotion. A great achievement in such a short story.
