Thursday, 15 March 2012

Gut feeling! 

Have you ever wondered what was the nature of this little intuition that you have about something.
 Intuition is defined as the act of sensing or knowing  without rational processes . The definition highlights the fact that it does not involve rational process. It is intuitive; we just sense it. 
It pushes towards one direction; tells you what to do (or what not to do). You can't really know what that feeling is; because it is coming from an inner part of yourself; therefore it obviously has the best interest for me.

I don't know where it comes from for sure; but I think that God placed it somewhere in our minds. No matter the situation; I can hear a little voice in my head telling me what to do. However; it sometimes happens that we doubt it or even go against it; which might lead to something bad. 

We need to learn to trust it.

Definition of intuition: 


  1. "We need to learn to trust it." I love that statement. God's placed something in us, that already knows the answers to the questions we will ask in future. We just need to be still and listen. After listening, we need to trust.

    Great post!

  2. 100%. And yes it is God but more specifically I belive it is the Holy Spirit which is leading us, so as to avoid something bad from happening.
