When you read this sentence it is a bit confusing at first. How can our strengths be our weaknesses as well... But when you try to really understand it; you get the meaning it conveys. Our strengths are our assets; our qulaities; things that permit us to face the problems that we encounter through our lives. It is a good thing.
However, our strenghts can be our weaknesses in a sense that it might "open doors" for people or things to hurt us if we dont use them correctly.
http://legaljob.com/2012/04/deal-with-your-weakness-upfront/ |
Let's take the example of someone who has a good heart. He is always caring; wants to help everyone and he forgives easily. After a while; people will notice it. They might take him for granted or walk over him; thinking that he will always say yes and do whatever he is asked to.
It is important to use our strengths wisely. It can be our best friends or our worst enemies...
Well written piece Nat, Good work!