Sunday, 30 September 2012

Like a boy

I don’t know why lately I have been listening to that Ciara song over again… It is like I never really heard it before. Maybe because now it relates to me in a way it never did before. “Like a boy” deals mostly with the way guys behave with their girlfriends in general (cheating; lying and so on). She is just asking “and if I did the same to you; what would you feel? Would you like that? No; you would not like that
It just flashed this concept of relationships nowadays in my head…Men can behave as badly as they want; the more they cheat the better they are perceived. But if it is a girl who behaves that way people judge her negatively.  I am not saying I want to behave as the guys do; but I just want to point out that it is not fair; that’s all. But unfortunately it is a perception that is stuck in our society nowadays.

I just want the guys to take a minute and ask themselves if they would like their girlfriends to do the same. If not; then think again before doing it to them; that’s all I am saying…

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