Something big is coming…To me that’s what this sentence
means. I don’t know exactly when and
what but I just know that something big is coming. We need to make things
happen and not just sit and wait fr things to happen. I am starting to really
apply this sentence. The word “space” in
the sentence refers to the infinite opportunities that we have to do something
new and different. So why not take a chance. I recently read on Twitter that we
must not be afraid to try something new. Remember amateurs built the ark. Professionals
built the Titanic. When you have faith; you can do whatever you want to.
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So I am saying it again watch this space... We are the ones
who make our lives either average or memorable. But it needs to be for the good
reasons of course. I would like that to happen to me. I want to do something
memorable; to help others and so much more. The future will tell me…
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