Monday, 5 November 2012

Only bad things happen quickly

Everything  worthy in life need to be worked for. It is not possible to have something worthwhile  without putting any efforts. Only bad things come to you quickly. I will take a simple example such as diet. It is so easy to gain calories but so hard to lose it. You can gain weight in an instant if you don't eat a balanced diet; and it is so easy to do so with fast food; chips; ice cream and so on...If you are not careful with with what you eat then and put in the effort to eat a balanced diet; bad things will come quickly (calories). On the other hand; if you apply yourself; sacrifice and think about you body in the future then good things will come to you (healthy mind in a healthy body).
This example highlights the fact that in life; we must make an effort for the things we know are good for ourselves. Bad things happen quickly that'st true; you don't have to wait a lot (or at all) for bad things to happen. However; it is satisfactory only on a short term level. If you think long term ; then you will know that it is better to sacrifice and make an effort to do the right thing.

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