Friday, 20 April 2012


Every individual on this planet know this four letter words: P A I N... It is the feeling that no one wants to experience; but it is like a forced path in our journey. It has such as negative connotation. Most of us act as it doesn't affect us; but the reality is that it really does. Some people have better ways of covering it; that's all...

Pain can come in numerous  forms: physical or emotional for example. The good thing with physical pain  is that it will eventually fade away; depending on the extent of injury. On the other hand; emotional pain is the worst pain of all. It sticks; it stays; it's like it's engraved in your heart. You might come up with things to try to forget about it; but at a certain point in time it comes back.

I try to see the positive side of pain; it is the reminder that "what does not kill you make you stronger" It might be hard at the beginning but with the patience and determination; everything is possible!

Picture 2:

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