Thursday, 17 May 2012

The elephant in the room...

Life is sometimes funny… You can miss  someone who is so far away. That is understandable because there are thousand miles that separate you from that person. But the worst thing is when you miss somebody that you see on a regular basis.Somehow along your relationship something happened and things are not as they used to be.
 I call it the “elephant in the room”. You both know it’s here but you pretend that it’s not. The elephant wants to scream: “I’m here” but somehow it doesn’t. Of course you talk to each other; “hi” “how are you?”  “Fine, thanks” those types of simple questions. But the real issue is still pending. Maybe you don’t talk about it because you know it won’t change anything.
 I like this expression as it suits this situation perfectly. The elephant is one of the biggest animals on this planet. For it to be in a room and not being talked about highlights the fact that there is a problem; and that people prefer not to talk about it. The elephant can be seen as the problem that is being ignored. The elephant (the problem) is being neglected and day after day it becomes angrier because people don’t take care of it and it may create even more damage in the end if nothing is done.
It is important to take care of our elephants (little or big) in order to avoid situations that can really damage our lives....Life is short; be happy...


  1. This is 100% correct and is exceptionally relevant in today’s day and age where communicating via cellphone in order to avoid a situation is easier than actually speaking about it.

  2. I agree with you Nathalie. All in all, well written piece.
