Thursday, 3 May 2012

Wedding cake in the middle of the road...

A wedding  cake..hmm...for me it represents one of the most positive outcomes that can exist.  A wedding cake obviously means that there is a wedding. It can only mean that you have found the person that you want to be with for the rest of your life (in most cases...). A wedding is a happy occasion and it involves laughter and joy.
The fact that the wedding cake finds itself on the road means that something negative has happened. We can conclude that when the cake was being transported; something happened and it ended up in the middle of the road. Let’s say it was a little setback and the cake made it to the wedding. We can refer this to obstacles and problems that arise in the path of our lives.

When this happens we must pull ourselves together and show what we are made of. It is the obstacles that make the journey worthwhile. One day; when you look back; you will be able to tell yourself that you made it through.

1 comment:

  1. So true, but sometimes looking forward while you're hindered by a obstacle is very hard!!
