Friday 19 October 2012

If not now then when?

                          I asked myself this question not so long ago.
I have always been afraid of trying new things and doing certain things that I always wanted to do. Frankly; today I ask myself what was I afraid of? It is true that it is scary to step out of our own comfort zone because you don't what to expect; it is like a whole new world. But all I can say is that it is worth it. There are some areas of my life where I succeeded in trying new things such as the decision to take a dance a dance class and be part of an actual dance group. It is fun (I knew it would be even before I started)!!!     I guess we are afraid because deep down we think that we are prisoners of that “fear”; that it owns us in some way. It is like a little voice in your head saying  “this is too difficult; what will people think of you; you’re not good enough to do that” and 
so on…

Let me tell you something: YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH! I am asking you the same question” If not now then when?” I know that deep down inside of us we all have desires; dreams ; things we want to achieve but are too afraid to.  The dance class I am taking is just the beginning; I will carry on fighting that fear because at the end it can only bring positive things. Live what you have always wanted to live. Start now; don’t waste time because you don’ t know  what tomorrow will be like. ..


  1. Great Post! This is why I recently joined martial arts and love it! It has been almost 2 years since you posted this, how is your journey?

  2. Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it. Everything is fine. Even though the fear is really strong sometimes I keep on fighting it!
